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There were quite a few Lodoss videogames to come out after the OAV series. They are all fantasy RPG games(of course). There was one that came out for Super Nintendo in 1991 under the title The Record of Lodoss War, based on the "Grey Witch" manga series. The PC version of the SNES Lodoss game was released soon after, same title. There was one that came out for MSX, I don't know wether this one came out before or after the SNES one, but it was the same as the SNES version, same title. A SEGA mega-cd game came came out in 1994, same title, but diiferent game I think it was 2. Also in 1994, Record of Lodoss War 2 was released for the PC, based on the 6th and 7th Lodoss novels and features Spark. I have the SNES and MSX games available to download and use with an emulator. I still haven't gotten the MSX one to work yet though. Gameboy game just added! I was just reminded that there was a Legend of Crystania PC game that came out around 1995 and now there is a Record of Lodoss War 3 for PC and MAC. The Lodoss 2 game was released for MAC also.

Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight (Gameboy Color)

Splash ScreenI'm looking for people to help out with a FAQ or guide to this game, if you want to help just email. I will have more here soon. You can download the game HERE. You will need an emulator to run the game.(an emulator is software that emulates the workings of another machine, such as the Gameboy Color) I reccomend SMYGB WIN95. You need DriectX 6 for this so try DBOY if it doesn't work for you. If you need an unzipping utility heres pkunzip. Just unzip SMYGB into its own directory and read the readme.txt.(if this is your first stab at playing emulated games) Then run smygb.exe. Its that easy. Controls: "X" and "Z" are "A" and "B", "Return" is "Start" and "RShift" is "Select", use the arrow pad. IMPORTANT!: After you unzip the game you need to rename it with a ".gb" extension instead of it being ".gbc"!!
Screen shots: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Record of Lodoss War (SNES)

MenuThis game has a long introduction. It takes about 10 minutes before you can do anything. The music is pretty cool and has unique battle sequences. You can download the game HERE. You will need an emulator to run the game.(an emulator is software that emulates the workings of another machine, such as the SNES) I reccomend ZSNES 8.00c. If you need an unzipping utility heres pkunzip. Just unzip ZSNES into its own directory and read the readme.txt.(if this is your first stab at playing emulated games) Then run zsnes.exe. Its that easy. I also have some sceenshots of the introduction. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Record of Lodoss War (MSX)

I haven't been able to get this one to work yet. Here are the files if anyone is interested.

Good luck trying to get it to work! I will have more emulators up soon because someone got the intro to work. That will be up soon.
I will have info on the other games in the upcoming merchandise section so look for them to be in there in the future. This page is just for emulation. I will put up emulators for MAC in the future if people want them.